![Logo for The Westview School](https://www.westviewschool.org/editoruploads/images/logos/logo.png)
The Westview School
"A Place Where You Fit"
The Westview School is a private, non-profit school for children with autism from ages 2 to 15 years. Our program is comprised of two main components: academics and social communication/social skills.
Westview is unique in that it is the only school in the greater Houston area that offers a challenging academic curriculum with specific focus on social skills and social communication.
Westview’s challenging, well-rounded curriculum includes a full range of academic programs and a strong emphasis on social communication and social skills. We offer opportunities to pursue the arts, extra-curricular activities and real-world experiences. The enhancement of self esteem and the development of appropriate behavior allow our students to become successful members of the community.
Many people believe that putting children with autism spectrum disorder in a traditional educational setting – around "typical" children – will help them develop social skills. However, children with autism spectrum disorder often do not learn merely from observation. They must be intentionally taught the social innuendos that many naturally acquire through experience and observation. Many children on the autism spectrum have a strong desire to "belong." It can be difficult for children to find this sense of belonging when they learn how to socialize differently from their peers.
Because of this, educating students with autism spectrum disorder in the appropriate environment is critical. Because they "fit" at Westview, many of the challenges they would face in a traditional classroom setting disappear. Anxiety, stress, and depression levels drop, not only for the child but for the entire family.
Children at Westview build reciprocal friendships and truly learn what it means to be a friend. Teachers arrange and support social interactions, provide incidental language coaching, and build toward a generalization of skills. All students receive art, music, and physical education as part of our program. Library use, computer instruction, science, drama, outdoor recess activities, and field trips are also an important part of the curriculum.
Westview facilitates a structured learning environment that includes opportunities to develop and practice important social skills, a low student-to-teacher ratio, a challenging curriculum, appropriate behavioral supports, and open communication with parents. The Westview School offers a challenging curriculum at all program levels and blends several methodologies to provide for the unique needs of each child. In addition to the academic curriculum, key focus areas include language and communication, social communication and social skills, sensory integration, gross and fine motor ability, and cognitive development.
We believe...
that early intervention is key in reaching children on the autism spectrum
Our program begins at age 2 to reach the youngest children with ASD. Early identification and intervention has been proven to greatly improve outcomes for those on the spectrum.