The Westview school is comprised of Lower Elementary and Upper Elementary. Lower Elementary classes are located in the Lower School building of our campus. Upper Elementary classes are located in our Upper School building. Each elementary class typically consists of up to eight students with a teacher and an instructional assistant. Each class focuses on providing an academic curriculum that challenges learners while also being sensitive to their unique needs. There is also an emphasis on teaching social skills, independence, and effective communication strategies.

The core classes of Math, Language Arts, and Social Studies are taught by the homeroom teacher, assisted by the teacher assistant. Science is taught in a lab setting by a specialized science teacher twice a week. Ancillary classes are Art, Music, Physical Education, and Technology. These provide opportunities to explore new areas of interest, for students to learn how to work with different teachers, and for students to practice transitions, which is a critical skill for success in school and beyond.
The curriculum for elementary classes is aligned with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). Other commercial resources and teacher-designed activities supplement the core curriculum. Instruction is aligned to facilitate progression from one level to the next. Each classroom is equipped with an interactive whiteboard that supports the use of technology to enhance learning.
Students are encouraged and guided throughout the day in appropriate interactions with their peers and adults to enhance social skills and language development. In addition to teacher-guided instruction, students work in pairs or small groups and often combine with other elementary classes to build relationships and practice social communication skills. Because our classes are small, each student is given individual attention to meet their potential. Building self-esteem and appropriate social behaviors are an important part of the program.